Open Optical & Packet Transport and Optical Line Systems

Today’s networks need open architectures to keep pace with new innovations, network capacities and bandwidth increase. OOPT and Open OLS will empower network disaggregation plus flexible application deployment – enabling telcos to meet more versatile and agile market demands.

  • Best-of-breed technology
  • Scalable optical layer
  • Open environment
  • Multi-vendor network
  • Quality at low cost
  • Enhanced management

OOPT and Open OLS solutions

Odine configures your open architecture, from OOPT to OLS, giving you enhanced management of multi-domain networks and more flexible network components. Within your software-defined network, we’ll create an environment with control, quality and scalability.

Partnering with…

Converged management

Our convergence of network management approach minimizes inefficiencies, costs and complexity.

Vendor agnostic

Odine has diverse partners to support a unified multi-vendor ecosystem.

Best of breed

We’ll help you select and implement the best solutions for your needs, in a way that ensures they work seamlessly together.

Technology expertise

Whatever hardware components you have, from OTN to packet terminals, we compose a complementary ecosystem.

Network capacity

We’ll empower you to manage your resource more efficiently and exploit network capacity.

Empower flexibility in disaggregation

Get in touch to discuss our OOPT and OLS solutions and services, and where Odine can add value to your network transformation.