Deliver trusted and protected
data with voice fraud management
Securing personal, customer, and operational data is imperative, especially as organizations digitize and virtualize their environment. Not only is it essential for building trust, but it also protects organizations from financially harmful breaches, loss and disputes. As network technologies evolve, telcos must ensure their voice fraud management processes are robust, up-to-date, and reliable.
- Minimize financial risk
- Reduce breaches
- Proactive security
- Minimize vulnerabilities
- Gain visibility
Odine’s Fraud Management Solutions
Odine manages your network with fraud detection, data assurance, and continuous testing to ensure you are taking a proactive stance against potential fraud incidents. Not only do we consistently take cybersecurity protocols into account, we offer complete voice fraud management and detection to support you to build trusted and flexible solutions.

Next-gen fraud detection
Gatekeeper, Odine’s fraud management solution, blocks any kind of interconnect bypass frauds for telecoms companies, at any time.
Dynamic testing
The solution uses active and real subscriber databases to support a uniquely dynamic testing methodology.
Flexible plans
Operators can change their test plans in real time, as Gatekeeper allows you to generate test calls through IP networks.
Maximize test call generation
Using a large network of new IP based call origination products and traditional calling, we will maximize your call generation capabilities.
Detect OTT bypass
Our fraud management solution covers any type of interconnect fraud ensuring we will detect every OTT bypass that may occur.