Proje, Turkcell'in Mobil Çekirdek Ağı için Türkiye'nin ilk ticari Yerel Bulut Altyapı çözümünü temsil ediyor.

Türkiye’nin ilk dijital operatörü Turkcell dijitalleşme serüvenini Odine ile bir adım daha ileri taşıyarak Red Hat Open Shift kullanarak ilk ticari bulut tabanlı mimariye geçmiştir.

Turkcell has already started its digital transformation journey with a unified virtualization platform with Odine on Red Hat OpenStack Platform 4 years ago and already virtualized its mobile core network more than 75%. Currently, more than 8 Tbps of traffic runs through the platform mainly belongs to mission critical services of Turkcell core network. Deployment itself is the biggest unified virtualization platform in EMEA region.

Turkcell, Odine and Red Hat completed the deployment of unified Cloud Native infrastructure with Red Hat OpenShift and onboarding process of containerized network functions rapidly utilizing the experience that the companies have developed during the last 4 years. Red Hat OpenShift provides a scalable, flexible foundation for Turkcell Telco Cloud, an open solution with commercially-proven reliability, automation and advanced security capabilities for deploying network functions.

Turkcell will also manage, automate and orchestrate the services over the Cloud Native and Virtualization platforms via Management and orchestration framework that Turkcell and Odine have already deployed.

“Our unified virtualization platform has added great flexibility and TCO advantage to us during our digitalization journey in the Core Network domain. Turkcell has developed unparalleled expertise about virtualization of critical domains like Core Network with Odine and Red Hat. As the next step, we have commercially deployed a cloud native infrastructure which will be the foundation that will enable us to realize the full potential of digital transformation, providing automated, reliable, faster new services”

said Dr. Gediz Sezgin, Chief Technology Officer of Turkcell.

“We are proud to continue the digital transformation with Turkcell as the Integrator of the Cloud Native Core Infrastructure. Unified Cloud Native Infrastructure will be one of the most significant milestones in the operator’s digital transformation journey,”

said Alper Tunga Burak, CEO at Odine.

Detaylı Bilgi